I have joined Bennett Chambers Group, operating out of Level 6, 107 North Quay, Brisbane, Qld, 4000.
Bennett Chambers is named after one of Queensland’s best-known barristers, Colin ‘Col’ James Bennett. Mr Bennett is remembered for his time as a lawyer and politician, including his dedication to a number of charitable causes. Mr Bennett was one of the longest serving barristers at the Queensland Bar having practiced continuously for over 45 years.
Bennett Chambers espouses the philosophy of Mr Bennett, that all people deserved the best legal representation no matter their life’s circumstances. He believed a level playing field only existed where well trained and committed barristers were prepared to vigorously defend the rights of the weak and poor thus giving them equality with the strong and the rich.
For more information about Mr Bennett, please see his Wikipedia page.
I am proud to work among a number of esteemed colleagues who each embraces Bennett’s philosophy and belief.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
the name is on the wall
LAING, Nathan - Level 6